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ReSPECT - Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment

Overview of ReSPECT

ReSPECT Definition: ReSPECT stands for Recommended Summary Plan for Emergency Care and Treatment.

  • Creates a personalised summary of clinical care recommendations.
  • Designed for emergencies where the patient cannot express choices.
  • Includes decisions about CPR and other clinical interventions.

Purpose and Process

Objective: Balance patient preferences with clinical judgement.

  • Provides immediate guidance to healthcare professionals.
  • Supports decisions on care and treatment during emergencies.
  • Can complement advanced care planning initiatives.

Creating a ReSPECT Plan

Development: Involves discussions between individuals and healthcare providers.

  • Recorded on a formal document based on personal priorities.
  • Includes agreed clinical recommendations for desired outcomes.
  • Specifies preferences for care that align or do not align with interventions.

Applicability and Relevance

Target Audience: Relevant for individuals with complex health needs and end-of-life considerations.

  • Adaptable to anyone, particularly those at risk of sudden deterioration.
  • Provides clarity on care preferences beyond emergency situations.

Implementation and Information

Availability: Not universally available; implementation varies by locality.

For detailed information, please visit the ReSPECT website.