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Understanding Restrictions and Deprivation of Liberty (DoLS)

Introduction to DoLS and Restrictions

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) focus on assessing restrictions and their impact.

Defining Restrictions and Deprivation of Liberty

Restriction involves assessing whether actions amount to deprivation of liberty:

  • Examples include restraint for hospital admission, involuntary medication, or complete control over care.
  • Difference lies in degree and intensity of restrictions; crucial factors in decision-making.

Principles of Least Restriction

Restrictions should be minimal:

  • Explore less restrictive alternatives before considering deprivation of liberty.
  • Strict processes ensure lawful deprivation if deemed necessary for safety.

Legal Framework and Application

DoLS ensures lawful loss of liberty:

  • Restraint justified to prevent harm.
  • Cumulative, ongoing restrictions may necessitate deprivation authorisation.
  • Factors identified by courts include physical restraint, control over care, residence decisions, and social isolation.

Considerations and Code of Practice

No absolute definitions:

  • Transition from restriction to deprivation is case-specific and involves degree assessment.